Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Eastern Light and Eastern Leaves

At Sequoyah State Park near Wagoner OK over the weekend.. early Saturday morning at sunrise I sat and watched the new light playing into the leaves of tall Johnson grass, buttonbush and other low shrubs and thought.. It is this early morning light that should be most valuable. After the night hours, plants leaves will be as fully charged with water as they can be..ready to go to maximum photosynthesis, with open stomata bringing in CO2. Later in the day as water availability lessens, and stomata begin to close, photosynthesis should lessen. Consequently plants, individual trees, shrubs etc.. and groups of plants in a competing cluster, should compete for the valuable eastern light. More of their leaves should be oriented toward the east. More of their branches and crowns should lean to the east. East side plants should grow faster etc.. Wherever water is limiting for growth, plants should show an eastern bias in form and growth.